At the Council meeting today Lorraine Sanda, Strategic Director for People, presented and update paper of the progress of the Wellbeing Hub Development. Councillors were given an update on the Project Brief and how it has been developed to the required for RIBA Stage 2 – Concept design to commence. Councillors also heard that the […]
In April 2022 Councillors made a commitment to offer a Primary 5 curricular swimming programme on an annual basis starting in academic year 22/23 and leading up to and then moving into the opening of the new Wellbeing Hub. Officers leapt into action from that point and over the next 12 months started a programme […]
Councillors were given an update today from the Senior Manager for Sport & Leisure, Robbie Stewart, on the latest progress on the Wellbeing Hub development. The key focus for todays paper was the appointment of Hub East Central Scotland Ltd for the two stage design and build of the project. Attendees also learned that the […]
We have launched our new suite of social media platforms to directly link with the community around the project’s developments. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are up and running so please like, follow etc to get all the latest news and be involved in the conversation. Already we have over 200 people engaged in the platforms but […]
At today’s full Council meeting the Strategic Director for People, Lorraine Sanda, gave an update on the progress of the Wellbeing Hub project. The members were informed that a Joint Project Team has been formed for the Wellbeing Hub and Lochies School projects as per the new Governance Structure which had been presented at Council […]
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