ClacksLife is bringing Clackmannanshire together in one location, making it easier for you to find the services and events our amazing County has to offer.
Central to support and services available is Clackmannanshire Family Wellbeing Partnership. Formed in 2020, Clackmannanshire Family Wellbeing Partnership (FWP) is supporting people to be and do things they have reason to value.
At the heart of this approach is what matters to people in our communities. Together we aim to inspire the people of Clackmannanshire to get involved in a range of activities, groups and programmes that matter to them.
ClacksLife offers information and signposts you to facilities, activities, support services and programmes that are suitable to your age and needs.
Our communities are the beating heart of Clacks.
Clacks Life.
Bringing Clackmannanshire together.
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